- Assemble Perfect Care collaborative, which includes a Board of Advisors with patient representation, the leadership team, and multidisciplinary, clinical representatives. Define workgroup constitution for pathway and protocol development for all phases of care.
- Develop patient centered checklists that can incorporate each patient’s unique values and needs.
- Develop Perfect Care scorecards.
- Evaluate needs, analyze options and purchase information system-hardware and software-to support Perfect Care and collaborative.
- Evaluate needs, analyze options and purchase appropriate biosensors, automated audience response system, and tele-monitoring tools.
- Test and operationalize technology (information system, biosensors, tele-monitoring, teleconferencing, etc.).
- Initiate remote education and tele-monitoring of pre-procedure and post-acute care patients for three or more facilities.
- Begin data collection to include clinical, financial, biometric, & patient-reported outcomes metrics.
- Refine Perfect Care evidence-based communication tools, pathways and protocols.
- Provide near time, risk-adjusted outcomes.
- Monthly scorecards to collaborative participants and workgroup meetings.
- Solidify meeting schedule to share updates, strengthen relationships, and accelerate learning and improvements.
- Explore and engage payers, industry, policy makers, patients, and philanthropy to develop sustainability strategy.
- Refine education and remote monitoring of pre-procedure and post-acute care patients.
- Expand participating programs in Perfect Care collaborative.
- Refine scorecards, communication tools, pathways and protocols.
- Continuously explore, engage, and innovate to transform care.
- Elucidate quality improvement and value proposition and share lessons learned through presentations and peer-reviewed publications.
- Share with other regional collaboratives and ascertain sustainability plan for southeastern collaborative.
- Consider sharing clinical expertise through the Perfect Care ‘periprocedural home’ – where the rare talent is leveraged with technology.
Coronary Artery Bypass is the most frequent major cardiac operation performed in the USA and will be our highest priority pathway. Perfect Care will solidify routines for each phase of care and recovery.
Perfect Care will also develop additional pathways to include valve repairs and replacement as well as these procedures combined with coronary artery bypass. TAVR and ventricular assist devices will also be developed