- Assemble Perfect Care collaborative, which includes a Board of Advisors with patient representation, the leadership team, and multidisciplinary, clinical representatives. Define workgroup constitution for pathway and protocol development for all phases of care.
- Develop patient centered checklists that can incorporate each patient’s unique values and needs.
- Develop Perfect Care scorecards.
- Evaluate needs, analyze options and purchase information system-hardware and software-to support Perfect Care and collaborative.
- Evaluate needs, analyze options and purchase appropriate biosensors, automated audience response system, and tele-monitoring tools.
- Test and operationalize technology (information system, biosensors, tele-monitoring, teleconferencing, etc.).
- Initiate remote education and tele-monitoring of pre-procedure and post-acute care patients for three or more facilities.
- Begin data collection to include clinical, financial, biometric, & patient-reported outcomes metrics.
- Refine Perfect Care evidence-based communication tools, pathways and protocols.
- Provide near time, risk-adjusted outcomes.
- Monthly scorecards to collaborative participants and workgroup meetings.
- Solidify meeting schedule to share updates, strengthen relationships, and accelerate learning and improvements.
- Explore and engage payers, industry, policy makers, patients, and philanthropy to develop sustainability strategy.
- Refine education and remote monitoring of pre-procedure and post-acute care patients.
- Expand participating programs in Perfect Care collaborative.
- Refine scorecards, communication tools, pathways and protocols.
- Continuously explore, engage, and innovate to transform care.
- Elucidate quality improvement and value proposition and share lessons learned through presentations and peer-reviewed publications.
- Share with other regional collaboratives and ascertain sustainability plan for southeastern collaborative.
- Consider sharing clinical expertise through the Perfect Care ‘periprocedural home’ – where the rare talent is leveraged with technology.